Find a Room or Roommate!

Welcome to MyRoomie!

Find the ideal roommate or roommate, saving time and money. Searching for a home became a breeze.

Looking for a Roommate

Earn money by renting the available room in your house, easily and quickly!

Looking for a Room

Why choose MyRoomie

MyRoomie is safe: With a screening process that is constantly improving, it ensures that the ads you find are checked and safe. MyRoomie is the first and only roommate app in Greece.

Ads for roommate

On MyRoomie you can find roommate ads. Make money if you have space available that you don't use and embrace the shared economy while helping the environment at the same time. 

Ads for room

If the rents seem high or you haven't found something that satisfies you, you can find a solution to cohabitation by looking for a room.

Post an Ad

Whether you're looking for a roommate or a roommate, you can post your own ad by choosing through filters and details to find exactly what you're looking for.

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You can search for more ads here and register your own ad here.

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