A Letter from the CEO: Embarking on a New Chapter with MyRoomie

Dear valued MyRoomie community,

As we bid farewell to 2023 and embrace the fresh beginnings of 2024, I’m thrilled to share with you our ambitious plans for the year ahead. With unwavering dedication and unwavering support from our esteemed partners and investors, MyRoomie stands poised to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a leading global provider of integrated living solutions.

A Three-Pillar Strategy for Unparalleled Growth

Our 2024 strategy is anchored on three key pillars:

Pillar 1: Expanding Our Flatsharing Platform

We’re expanding our flatsharing platform to include both consumer and B2B partnerships, welcoming real estate agencies and individuals to contribute listings. This move not only enriches our property inventory but positions MyRoomie as the definitive hub for comprehensive flatsharing experiences.

Pillar 2: Innovative Property Leasing for Flatsharing

In response to evolving user needs, we’re actively leasing homes and flats, strategically repurposing them to create exceptional flatsharing spaces. This approach ensures flexibility, efficient scaling, and a consistently high standard of living for our users.

Pillar 3: Pioneering Large-Scale Solutions

We’re venturing into large-scale initiatives, introducing dedicated offerings for student housing and comprehensive solutions for expats and foreign employees. Our focus extends beyond flatsharing to provide end-to-end relocation management and overall building management. This strategic move positions MyRoomie as the leader in addressing the diverse housing needs of students and international professionals.

A Letter from the CEO: Embarking on a New Chapter with MyRoomie 1
A Letter from the CEO: Embarking on a New Chapter with MyRoomie 2

Exploring EU Expansion

Concurrently, we’re accelerating our EU expansion plans, exploring strategic partnerships with investors who share our passion for transforming the housing landscape in key European markets. This collaborative approach will accelerate our international growth and ensure a deep understanding of local dynamics.

Seeking Additional Financial Support

As we embark on these exciting ventures, we’re seeking additional financing, investments, and loans to support our expansion and innovation efforts. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in our journey, and we’re confident that forging new financial partnerships will propel us to new heights.

Your Partnership is Crucial

Whether you’re considering further investment or have insights into potential collaborators, your involvement is invaluable. We’re eager to explore opportunities with partners who share our vision for MyRoomie’s flourishing future.

Together, We Can Achieve Greatness

The road ahead is filled with exciting possibilities, and we’re thrilled to navigate this journey with you, our valued partners and investors. Your perspectives and collaboration have been instrumental, and we look forward to discussing these updates in detail with you.

Happy New Year and may it bring you prosperity and joy!

With warmest regards,

Dominikos Pritis
Founder and CEO
